These images were taken during a field research trip to Beijing, Hebei, and Shandong (PR China), March 19 to April 4, 2002, by a group from the East Asian Art History Department, Heidelberg University, lead by Prof. Lothar Ledderose. Members of the team were: Prof. Lothar Ledderose, Petra Rösch, Claudia Wenzel, Simone Griessmayer, Chuang Hui-ping, Zhao Zhou, Shen Hsueh-man, Ts'ai Suey-ling, Hanno Lecher, and Matthias Arnold. The project was generously sponsored by the DFG (The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).


The research trip was prepared in close cooperation with scientists of the Chinese Academy of Science, Department of Buddhist Studies, especially by Prof. Luo Zhao and Prof. Zhang Zong, who took care of the organization in China.

Main activities:

Symposium on Recent Research in Buddhist Studies and Buddhist Art History, held in Beijing
travel to Yunjusi monastery, Fangshan xian, Hebei
travel to the remnants of Bahuisi monastery, Quyang xian, Hebei
travel to Yishan, Tieshan, Gangshan, all at Zou xian, Shandong
travel to Taishan, Taian xian, Shandong
travel to Zulaishan, Shandong
travel to Jianshan, Dongping, Shandong


Since June 1, 2005 the research is part of the Heidelberg Academy of Science research projects Forschungsstelle "Buddhistische Steinschriften in China" (Buddhist stone inscriptions in China).
Homepage of the project at the Heidelberg Academy of Science (in German)
Press information (in German)
other activities: Workshop on XML and TEI with Dr. Christian Wittern, Kyoto University (April 18-27, 2005).